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Katılma tarihi: 16 May 2022


Wu Bug Professional 2.4


wu bug professional 2.4

A: Based on your requirements and content of the string that should not be present in the fixed string, you can use this regex to prevent it: $str = preg_replace("/A(lthough) B(ut) ([^A])?( B(ut) (?! [A-z]+ )C)/", "$1B$3$2", $str); Check the demo. The regex will check each individual character in the string and replace them with the result of this regex. The regex I used is: A - (although or althoug - case-insensitive) lthough - (lthough, although or although - case-insensitive) But - (but or butto - case-insensitive) [^A] - any character except A (case-insensitive) A - A (case-insensitive) B - B (case-insensitive) So, in the end we will have a series of Bs that can be some character or group of characters (which are not A, B, lthough, but or butto). The replacement string I used is: $1 - the part that matched the first A, B, lthough or lthought. $2 - the part that matched the next A, B, lthough or lthought $3 - the part that matched the next A, B, lthough or lthought. Result: B - But lthough - Although butto - Because The only solution I found is to make sure that A, B, lthough, but, butto, lthought, although, althought, uithought and others are not part of the content to be replaced. Update: If you want to prevent some strings to be processed and make sure that the string that should not be processed is in a particular position in the string, you can use this regex: $str = preg_replace("/A(lthough) B(ut) ([^A])?( B(ut) (?! [A-z]+ )) C( and (D( id {$identificador} {$idnum} ) {$idnum} ) )*/", "$1B$3$2$4", $str); Note that I did some changes to the regex and the replacement string.

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Wu Bug Professional 2.4

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